More information will be posted here when it becomes available.


Emergency Notification System

The UPennAlert Emergency Notification System enables the University to quickly notify the Penn and surrounding Philadelphia community of critical information during significant emergencies or dangerous situations involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus.

This is accomplished through key methods: Personal Messaging; Siren and Public Address Systems; and the DPS Website.

Update Your Information!.

The effectiveness of the UPennAlert via personal electronic devices depends upon faculty, staff and student providing accurate and up-to-date personal contact information. We urge you to partner with the University in registering your cell phone number, as well as other emergency contact information, so that University officials can communicate with you wherever you happen to be. Simply click on the appropriate link below.

Philadelphia OEM logo

A Two Column Callout Section

If you would like to receive emergency alerts from the City of Philadelphia, sign up for ReadyPhiladelphia through the Office of Emergency Management. ReadyPhiladelphia sends emergency alerts, notifications and updates to registered subscribers.

An Alternating 2 Column Section

New College House West, brick and glass facade.

Penn Siren Outdoor System

The Division of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Division of Facilities and Real Estate Services (FRES), developed and installed the Penn Siren Outdoor System (PennSOS). The 27 outdoor-speaker system operates as part of UPennAlert Emergency Notification System, transmitting voice intelligible emergency messages and alert tones to the outdoor campus environment. PennSOS is not designed to penetrate buildings, but will be audible above normal street noise.

Testing Schedule

To promote system reliability, monthly tests, using Westminster Chimes, will be conducted on the first Friday of each month at 11:00 a.m. In compliance with the Clery Act, PennSOS is tested annually, in conjunction with the annual UPennAlert drill, using the actual siren. Notifications are made to the community in advance of this test. You can play audio file samples of the siren sounds below.

PennSOS Examples

Testing: Systems tests of the PennSOS will be conducted using Westminster Chimes.

Emergency: In an emergency you will hear a fifteen (15) second siren followed by a voice intelligible message instructing you on what to do. This will repeat three (3) times

All Clear: When it is deemed safe to resume your normal activity, the system will emit a series of beeps followed by a voice intelligible message indicating it is “All Clear”.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Technical Questions

Penn SOS