Donation of 65 used bicycles to support The Shops at Devereux
On September 21, 2016, DPS coordinated a donation of approximately 65 used bicycles to support a local non-profit, the Bike Shop at The Shops at Devereux. Our police officers met with Devereux staff and members to help deliver the bikes to their destination.
About Devereux: Established as a valuable tool in the therapeutic process for adults with intellectual challenges, The Shops at Devereux is an array of specialized employment training programs that function like mini-businesses. These shops give our men and women the opportunity to earn a paycheck and learn marketable skills in a realistic work setting, all while giving the community a great product or service at a competitive price. The Bike Shop repairs bikes of all varieties and sizes (including kids!) as well as accepts donations of previously-owned bikes, which are refurbished and sold across the community, including at Penn.
For more information on bike repairs, purchases or donations, please contact Dorothy Carter, Program Administrator of The Shops at Devereux, at (610) 964-3207 or . You can visit them online at